We have just a week and a day until Simon, Peter, Annoushka and I leave for Germany. Michael will follow a few days later.
This morning, Simon sang for the penultimate time with St. Paul and the Redeemer's Choristers and Peter helped the Sexton set up the refreshments. By the time we return, Peter will be old enough to join the Choristers, so his days of helping downstairs will be over.
After church, we came home and got all of Arie the Abyssinian's worldly goods together and took him to his new (temporary) lodgings. He seemed to make a pretty good start with two more small boys even if mine proved to be no good example.
"It isn't OK to throw the cat, is it?"
"No, of course not."
"Well, Simon said...."
From there, the boys and I went to a Pirate Birthday celebration that exceeded all birthday expectations. We will all miss our Hyde Park friends.
The rest of the day has been "Asterix" movies in German, packing a laundry.