30 March 2011

6, 5 and counting

Yesterday seemed like a week. Luckily, Simon got to go with a friend to play Magic cards. Peter and I drove back to the USDA with the correct forms for exporting the dog, paid $36 and got all the necessary stamps.and signatures.

Through out the day there was much back and forth about a potential buyer for the first floor unit of our building. The link is the listing, if you are curious. Anyway, the short version is that if did not go forward.

For the late afternoon until they went swimming, another kind friend watch out for both Simon and Peter. During that bit of time, I moved things, packed things, changed wash and cleaned the basement.

This morning, Simon and I met with the best counselor around to get some helpful ideas for making the transition to German school.

29 March 2011

A week.... a some bureaucracy

If you are going to bring a dog to Germany, you need to go with 3 forms (Bilingual EU health form, octoplicate health form and rabies vaccine certificate) to the USDA in the hidden building on Devon Avenue in Des Plaines. Don't forget to phone ahead for an appointment.

I failed to do all of those things, so I am driving back tomorrow - for my appointment.

Wish me luck.

Otherwise, some progress was made.

28 March 2011

A week and a day....

We have just a week and a day until Simon, Peter, Annoushka and I leave for Germany. Michael will follow a few days later.

This morning, Simon sang for the penultimate time with St. Paul and the Redeemer's Choristers and Peter helped the Sexton set up the refreshments. By the time we return, Peter will be old enough to join the Choristers, so his days of helping downstairs will be over.

After church, we came home and got all of Arie the Abyssinian's worldly goods together and took him to his new (temporary) lodgings. He seemed to make a pretty good start with two more small boys even if mine proved to be no good example.

"It isn't OK to throw the cat, is it?"
"No, of course not."
"Well, Simon said...."

From there, the boys and I went to a Pirate Birthday celebration that exceeded all birthday expectations. We will all miss our Hyde Park friends.

The rest of the day has been "Asterix" movies in German, packing a laundry.