09 May 2011

Mother's Day and Bus Pulling

Mother's Day in Wolfenbuettel was a notable change from Hyde Park as the main event was Buspulling. The event was held in the Main Square where the market is set up on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Yesterday, the stalls included beer and soft drinks, various sausage vendors, poffertjes, crepes and one Italian coffee stand. There was a big stage and a loud speaker announcing the event. Some of the shops were open and all of the cafes and Italian eis shops.

Simon and Peter enjoyed the ice cream on their first go-round with me. Then, after they went to a free concert of baroque bassoon music with Michael, they got to have a turn on the trampolines set up with  bungee harnesses. I was too cheap to let them do it (or rather, I made them choose between gelato and jumping.) Michael is nicer than I am and they had been well-behaved boys at the concert.

To get a sense of it, here is a video of the previous year http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hTD3Szqppg
with the trampolines in back.

Photos will be added as soon as I get them off the camera.